Call for Workshop Proposals

Consider offering a workshop at this
diverse and dynamic conference!


Workshops at the conference include hands-on activities (e.g., software demonstrations, data analysis tutorials, etc.). They may be presented as all-day, half-day, or 2-hour sessions.  For your information, Botany 2024’s workshops are listed here.

Submit your proposal here

Include a title, a short description, and any logistical needs, i.e. AV, special equipment, etc., and presenters. All workshops will have a small admission fee to cover coffee breaks and such. If you need to propose an additional charge to cover the costs of your workshop, please indicate the fees in your proposal and what they will cover.

In order to have your workshop included in the conference registration form - please submit it by November 15th.

If you have any questions about the conference, or about submitting your workshop, please contact me at